Check Us Out in AdAge

Shepherd co-founders (left to right) Dave Burg, Dean McBeth and Dan Walsh

Shepherd co-founders (left to right) Dave Burg, Dean McBeth and Dan Walsh

Here’s a little taste of the article announcing Shepherd's launch in AdAge.

“Shepherd takes its inspiration from Pulp Fiction’s Winston Wolfe character, who was an unapologetic fixer and problem solver,” said co-founder/managing strategist McBeth. “CMOs at many brands are fed up with the antiquated and slow-moving agency structure. Shepherd uses digital tools and integrated methodology to streamline cumbersome marketing and testing processes so that we can bring them compelling and measurable results—quickly.”

Now go read the full article on the AdAge website.

Shoam Thomas

Shoam Thomas is a creative director, designer, and illustrator with over 20 years of experience bringing brands to life. He’s had the chance to work with some of the biggest names in the industry, like Adidas, Adobe, Google, and Nike, while keeping his focus on creating thoughtful, impactful designs.